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Healthy Paws Pet Insurance & Foundation offers a comprehensive, affordable pet insurance plan for your dog or cat. Plus, when you protect your pet you'll also help a homeless pet have a happier and healthier tomorrow. Visit www.healthypawspetinsurance.com to get a free quote.

You may also donate items to our WISH LISTS on Chewy or Amazon!

One of the best animal rescue/sanctuaries in the world: 

Another top animal welfare organization:  http://www.aspca.org

Why we don't declaw:  http://www.shadowcats.net/educate/humane/declaw_truth.shtml and

We support spay/neuter:  http://www.spayusa.org

People who abuse animals also abuse other people:  http://www.americanhumane.org/site/PageServer?pagename=lk_home

https://www.pawdiet.com/ :Great information about Dog and Cat Food, including recalls


We oppose breed specific legislation!  It is actually illegal in California, except with regard to spay/neuter and breeding programs.  No dog can be declared dangerous based on breed alone.  http://www.stopbsl.com

California take a stand!  www.cahealthypets.com

Pet Health and Information: http://www.yoursadorably.com

7 ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE TREATMENTS FOR ANIMALS: A SHORT GUIDE FOR CARING FOR YOUR PET NATURALLY: https://www.homeoanimal.com/7-effective-alternative-medicine-treatments-for-animals

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